Written by Susan Denby, Upper Providence Township
Your voice matters. Stop irresponsible development!
On January 16, 2024, the Upper Providence Township Supervisors will meet during their
monthly public meeting to vote either YES or NO to a zoning ordinance amendment that would change the character of our community forever.
WE CANNOT let this happen!
This amendment would allow the landowner to build a very high density cluster development of about 700 four-story townhomes in an area surrounded by single family homes. This high density development will lead to traffic nightmares, increased chances of flooding, higher taxes and will over burden our already crowded schools. This is not a 55 and older community.
The ordinance amendment allows the developer to build without a traffic impact study and a
community impact study – while taking away the Township’s authority to approve or disapprove the development. It also takes away the Township’s ownership to any open space on the property.
What’s worse?
This proposed amendment isn’t even related to the current zoning for this last remaining tract of farmland, wetlands and fields around the Parkhouse Geriatric Facility in our township.
And what’s even worse? This change impacts our entire township – not only this property.
That’s because the amendment would allow a cluster development to be built almost anywhere in the township, subject to certain conditions.
But it gets even more tragic. This amendment would allow a high density development on land that Natural Lands assessed as a highly valued natural resource. In fact, they recommended to preserve all of this land because it all works together along the Schuylkill River Watershed. Do you remember the impact of Hurricane IDA?
Who wrote this amendment? We are not sure, but it is clearly not in the best interest of our
community nor does it align with the comprehensive plans from Montgomery County and UPT. It’s an outrage!
PLEASE, PLEASE come out to the Jan. 16 meeting at 7pm to raise your voice.
Let ourBoard you oppose this – Vote NO.
Location: UPT Township Building, 1286 Black Rock Road, Phoenixville, PA 19460
Tell your Board supervisors to VOTE NO. A yes vote would:
• CAUSE ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS - FLOODING, eliminate wildlife and theirhabitat
• INCREASE need for FIRST RESPONDERS… and more
• Download the assessment pdf files
• Assessment of the proposed amendment compared to the existing ordinance
(which isn’t the current zoning on the Parkhouse property).
• Read the Township’s baseline ordinance for this amendment for further background:
• Note: this ordinance is not the current zoning for Parkhouse Farm. It’s an
underhanded way to change the complexion of our community for high density
housing developments almost anywhere.
If this goes through, it will have grave impact on our entire township and those who
commute through it.
Upper Providence Residents – don’t let Developers determine the fate of our community.
Come to the January 16, 2024
Upper Providence Township Board Meeting at 7 PM.