Thank you to everyone who came to the Supervisor Meeting last night and braved the cold and the icy roads. It was a great turnout, almost standing room only. Public Comment at three minutes per person was just over an hour long. And that was after Solicitor (attorney) Bresnan spoke for 45 minutes about the topic. The Supervisors heard the citizens and voted NO on the zoning wording change. Some may be confused as to why trading a deal for 700ish single family non age restricted homes to the possibility of 1203 age restricted units is a positive move. In the opinion of the lawyers we have spoken to, the developer does not meet the existing zoning requirements, so there will be alterations made to that plan to comply. A few professionals we spoke to did not think the number of units would end up being that many. Age restricted will mean very few school aged children, the other plan would have meant a new elementary school as Oaks Elementary is full. Time will tell and we will keep watching this and alerting you to when the hearing is scheduled.
Now in my opinion this was a big win for the whole township, as in that zoning change wording had gone thru that would have changed for all the parcels which are zoned "institutional" and would make them R2, which this R2 was more like R3 or R4 from the actual units per acre allotment. The Pharmaceutical already had contacted the Township to see if that would apply to their parcel and they have space left to develop. So I would envision Upper Providence looking just like King of Prussia in no time at all. We are growing fast enough and don't need to make it easy for developers to build high density housing.